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LIGO's detector is a laser interferometer. In short, it cannot see or detect, but can only ‘feel’ it. There are some very good reasons for this, which you can learn about in LIGO’s Dual Detectors. It was first predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein.Two black holes collided some 1. The existence of gravitational waves is a possible consequence of the Lorentz invariance of general relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. This was first predicted by Albert Einstein almost a century ago. This collision of two black holes had been predicted but never observed.

To learn more about LIGO and interferometers, you can log on to the LIGO website. It does not need to detect any of the above, simply because it is Gravitational Waves are not part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The theory was about general relativity, where gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation.In a landmark discovery for physics and astronomy, international scientists have finally announced that they have glimpsed the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, or ripples in space-time. This was when it was picked up by sophisticated instruments back at earth and the phenomenon was observed by two US-based underground detectors.LIGO is the most advanced detectors ever built for sensing tiny vibrations in the universe.) long steel vacuum tubes, 1. LIGO’s ears consist of two perfectly straight and level 4 km (2.m.Construction began in 1999, and observations were taken from 2001 to 2007.

The LIGO Observatories are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and were conceived, built, and are operated by Caltech and MIT. Comprised of two enormous laser interferometers located thousands of kilometers apart, LIGO exploits the physical properties of light and of space itself to detect and understand the origins of gravitational waves. Subsequently, the joining of those two great masses sent forth a wobble that hurtled through space and arrived at Earth on September 14, 2015. Physicists have concluded that the detected gravitational waves were produced during the final fraction of a second of the merger of two black holes to produce a single, more massive spinning black hole.3 billion years ago. LIGO is truly a physics experiment on the scale and complexity of some of the world's giant particle accelerators and nuclear physics laboratories.

The advanced LIGO detectors became fully operational for the first time in September 2015.The gravitational waves were detected on September 14, 2015 at 5:51 a. LIGO is the most advanced detectors ever built for sensing tiny vibrations in the universe. They travel at the speed of light and cannot be stopped or blocked by anything.5 mi.

The instrument (detector) is designed to spot tiny vibrations from passing gravitational waves, and is a project known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO. Ask someone to draw a picture of an observatory and odds are it will look something like the photo shown below: a typical telescope dome on a mountain-top. One is located in Hanford, Washington; the other 1,800 miles (3,000 kilometers) away in Livingston, Louisiana. Though its mission is to detect gravitational waves from some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe, the data it will collect will have far-reaching effects on many areas of physics including gravitation, relativity, astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, and nuclear physicsLIGO is blind: Unlike optical or radio telescopes, Pink embossed rabbit hair faux fur fabric LIGO cannot see electromagnetic radiation, for example visible light, radio waves, microwaves, etc. The two US-based underground detectors are known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO for short.LIGO cannot work alone: While an astronomical observatory can function and collect data just fine on its own (some don’t by choice), gravitational wave observatories like LIGO cannot operate solo.First of all, let’s talk about Gravitational Waves. Eastern Daylight Time (09:51 UTC) by both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors, located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington, USA. Then they underwent a major upgrade to make them 10 times more powerful.Gravitational waves carry information about their dramatic origins and about the nature of gravity that cannot otherwise be obtained. LIGO is deaf: Since LIGO doesn’t need to focus light or radio waves from stars or other objects in the Universe, it doesn't need to be dish-shaped like telescope mirrors or radio dishes, which focus electromagnetic radiation into images.So what is the LIGO LIGO, or Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, is the world's largest gravitational wave observatory and a cutting edge physics experiment. Although LIGO will search for gravitational waves from space, and it is called an "Observatory", LIGO is not, strictly speaking, an astronomical facility. The only way to definitively detect a gravitational wave is by operating in unison with a distant twin so that local vibrations are not mistaken for signals from gravitational waves.2 m in diameter, arranged in the shape of an “L”, and protected by a 10-foot wide, 12-foot tall concrete enclosure that protects the vacuum tubes from the outside world. What are they Gravitational waves are a measure of strain in space, an effect of the motion of large masses that stretches the fabric of space-time -- a way of viewing space and time as a single, interweaved continuum. Though it's called an observatory, LIGO is unlike any other observatory on Earth. Instead, LIGO’s eyes on the sky are more like ears..Gravitational Waves are ripples in the curvature of space-time which propagate as waves, travelling outward from the source. By contrast, gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, which postulates that physical interactions propagate at infinite speed
All collected waste will be given to the BMC’s recycling department throughout the year. Children are involved in collecting wet waste from the school’s kitchen and are taught the process of converting the waste into something useful.A visitor given the paper bag in exchange of plastic“Our group schools have adopted a plastic-free approach on our campuses, and we are in the process of phasing out the use of plastic and adopting the use of more sustainable materials,” says Pinky Dalal, chairperson, and founder of the school.

”The school is now conducting collection drives for E-waste and plastic waste in order to help the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).The authorities have also included cloth material to use for banners, instead of flex, which is a fabric alpaca faux fur fabric coated with plastic.For one, Borivali-based JBCNInternational School has banned plastic from the campus and has also initiated various eco-friendly measures, such as composting, segregation and recycling waste generated in the school.On the premises, Aerobic Bio Composters are installed.

The latter is an organic component for the soil formed by decomposition of leaves and other plant material.. And while we have societies and organisations going plastic free, there are tiny tots who have embarked on this noble journey. Anything plastic — be it a pen, tiffin boxe or water bottles — have all have been substituted with metal and steel.“We are generating awareness among our students and parents to take concrete steps to keep a plastic free campus,” says Pinky.Moving forward, the school has replaced cornstarch plastic garbage bags with the regular ones.

To imbibe and make the understanding of a clean and greener environment for students, they have involved students in making pencils and pens from newspapers, which they also use.The school will move on to getting the administrative staff to use these newspaper pens after the students and teachers, before working on the society at large.Praising the state for banning plastic in Maharashtra, Pinky says, “I believe the ban by the government is a move in the right direction as it can have an impact on a monumental scale. Not only this, the school authorities have also kept cloth bags at the entrance and offer these to anyone who walks into the premises carrying plastic.

They have also introduced burlap – a rough textured cloth woven from jute or hemp, transforming completely to a healthy environment.And the school doesn’t just stop here.The whole world is slowly and steadily adapting to sustainable living, a lifestyle promoting not only conscious efforts to save natural resources, but also to encourag and recycle. The composter maintains the aerobic condition for composting of garden and kitchen wet waste, which is an easy and reliable source of quality compost for garden consumption.The process involves putting the wet waste, which is a type of organic waste decomposed into humus. Along with the students, even the teachers have shifted to using only fountain pens and wooden pencils instead of plastic
“When they approached me, I realised that many use the auto-rickshaw as a daily mode of transport. Interiors of the auto-rickshawLast year, when Mumbai-based Taxi Fabric and Manas Foundation approached Kruttika to design an auto-rikshaw in Delhi, she immediately gave her nod.

There are more chances of an auto catching people’s eye than a graphic novel,” she explains.While there are hordes of auto rickshaws ferrying passengers through the chaotic Delhi lanes, driver Dark blue wool faux fur fabric Gagan’s three-wheeler passenger vehicle bears a distinct look.

“I wanted a lot of people to be able to read it, so then I translated it in Hindi and included that as well,” she points out.” These prints today are used in a variety of products such as notebook, mobile covers, T-shirts and pillow covers. My project, ‘For the Sake of’, is inspired by my role model — my grandmother. She was a freedom fighter, so in the outside world she was fighting this big battle, but at home she had her own traps.”  She was sold when she realised that the reach a rickshaw has is much more than a graphic novel.A poster from ‘Strong Women’ seriesThe process of designing this autorickshaw did go through its permutations and combinations.. In fact, these were initially supposed to be art prints but they eventually got picked up.

“If we look at Indian fashion, ages ago there was not a lot of difference between what men and women wore. She says, “In mainstream art, I am trying to normalise women of all shapes and sizes. When Kruttika first designed it in English, she realised its limited reach.”‘Yoga Cat’ pillow coverA lot of Kruttika’s other works have been driven by feminist ideas as well. Later I used them for product designing.

The marginalised communities and their leaders do not get enough coverage from the media or proper recognition by the government. For illustrator and feminist Kruttika Susarla, it was an opportunity to celebrate the lives of women who have been fighting patriarchy all their lives.” But products and ideas like these are not always picked up by the market, Kruttika admits. The dhoti is one such example. The interiors flaunt illustrations of women leaders like Irom Sharmila, Savitribai Phule, Bhanwari Devi, Soni Sori among others, with brief descriptions about these women. Kruttika recalls, “The book influenced me a lot. “Pets as a theme are more relatable, so these designs sell easily. It changed over time, but I want to add to fashion that can be worn by anyone and everyone,” she concludes.

It got me thinking about the idea of feminism in India. The Daily RunIt was while reading the book Seeing Like a Feminist by Nivedita Menon that she was motivated to include a feminist narrative in her work. Her series, ‘Strong Women’, and ‘For the Sake of’ also work with these ideas.Next, Kruttika wants to work on unisex designs.” She continues,  “I had an idea of bringing out a graphic novel on this, highlighting women from these communities — women who have been fighting for their rights but aren’t celebrated enough. She says, “It started off in Mumbai with taxis
It is not conviction that has made Modi say this."Ramesh, while holding the portfolio of Sanitation, had last year said "there are more temples in the country than toilets"."He added, "But this particular incarnation of a man who gives more priority to toilets than the places of worship is something that I think should be welcomed by everybody.

"Where is Rajiv Pratap Rudy who accused me of destroying the fine fabric of faith and religion Where is Prakash Javadekar who waxed eloquent on how I had defame religion All these people are quiet," he asked. Ramesh said his own statement about preferring toilets over temple was out of conviction while that of Modi was out of compulsion. Referring to that episode, the Minister asked why are the Sangh outfits silent.. Going further to attack Modi, the Union Minister pointed out deficiencies in Gujarat in terms of toilets. It is compulsion," he said."I am very happy that the Gujarat Chief Minister has finally found enlightenment and recognised the importance of toilets.

"The census of 2011 revealed only 34 per cent of Gujarat was covered by sanitation..Accusing the BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate of changing his approach towards various issues including temples and toilets, Ramesh said Modi would "rewrite (Lord Vishnu's mythological) Dashavatar before Lok Sabha polls and we will need a new serial mythology called shatavatar with the 100 incarnation of Modi. The Rural Development Minister was reacting to Modi's remarks that toilets were the priority over temples.

This had triggered protests by Sangh parivar outfits like VHP and Bajrang Dal, whose activists even urinated outside his official residence here. "I am glad that the Gujarat Chief Minister has got enlightenment even if it is an enlightenment borne out of compulsion, even if it is enlightenment borne out of the blind desire for the Prime Minister's post," he said.The Minister asked Modi whether he agrees with late BSP leader Kanshi Ram who had said during the BJP's Ayodhya movement that the solution to the Ayodhya controversy is to build a giant sanitation complex. Ramesh said it was not Modi's 'conviction' but 'compulsion' that made him say so yesterday White dyed fox fur faux fur fabric and that his 'enlightenment' should have come before Ayodhya demolition in 1992. The so-called Gujarat model is a model based on half truths, falsehoods and gross exaggerations," he said.

Union Minister Jairam Ramesh, who had come under attack from Sangh outfits months back for favouring toilets over temples, targeted Narendra Modi for speaking on the same lines, saying it was borne out of his "blind desire for Prime Ministers post".He added, "I wish if he (Modi) had got this enlightenment 22 years ago, India would have been spared the Babri Masjid tragedy, India would have been spared the communal riots in diferrent parts of the country, India would have been spared the Bombay blasts and indeed India may have been spared Godhra and what happened afterwards. This is the story of Gujarat.." Referring to the urination by Sangh activists in front of his house last year, Ramesh said it shows that toilets are less important than temples for them
It needs to be instilled in them from the time that they are young. However, a topic like domestic violence is very delicate and is a cause for much trauma for many women.Dr Nair says that the only solution to this problem can be to educate students from a very early age.” He then went on to make several other sexist comments in jest, including the age-old dialogue, “The attendance at co-ed colleges is better because the boys want to watch girls. Whatever her impact in class, her post about the same on Facebook has gone viral.

Columnist and writer Anil Dharker says while a joke needs to be taken as such, an immediate clarification of how serious the issue of domestic violence is a must. So, while everyone is taking a guess at who the professor could be, they are also surprised that someone from this college would say this. It happens because, in an argument, the man decides to use physical violence instead of using his words, as he should do.. Teachers are culpable for the things that they say in class and must act as role models for students,” she says. So, it’s all right if the professor made a joke about this if an explanation immediately followed that joke as to what the issue is all about. “If what the professor said was in jest, then one must learn to take a White dyed fox fur faux fur fabric joke as a joke. It is a problem that persists across the globe.

A PhD scholar at TISS also expressed her surprise that a professor in her college would make such comments. So, an accounts professor would only be needed to know numbers, and not be socially aware. Otherwise, it is deplorable,” he explains. That is the only solution,” she concludes. “Our system is fundamentally flawed because when someone teaches a subject, they are not required to know anything beyond that subject.She further adds that she’s shocked to learn that it was a teacher of Social Sciences who did this. TISS, in general, is not very gender biased. This is something that badly needs to change. “Most of the classes I went to for my MPhil course were taken by teachers who were sensitive to such issues. “While one’s college experience can turn one’s life around, it is essential to educate students about gender equality from a much earlier age.

As teachers, you are expected to not only teach but also to practice what you taught. For instance, there’s a lot of mobility on campus at all hours for both men and women, which is not something that one finds in many other colleges,” she says. So, when a student at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) saw her professor trivialising and cracking sexist jokes on topics like domestic violence and rape, she called him out.

While there are those who claim that a joke should be taken as a joke, most are shocked that a senior professor in an elite institution like TISS could have made such comments.“It is shocking that something like this could have happened in TISS. You can’t expect someone who has lived in a society that thrives on sexist views to suddenly gain an understanding about equal rights. In the post, she gave an account of how the professor joked about domestic violence and said, “Because women are argumentative is why men beat them up. One expects better from an institute which is essentially known for its open culture and focuses on social sciences,” says Dr Neena Nair, assistant professor at Valia College.” The class in question was the Foundation Course, which is one that all students of the Masters programme take when they first join the college
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